Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fun With Phoebe

You know how infants only "smile" when they're gassy, and usually only in their sleep? That's what they say, anyway. Well, I thought that I'd hold up my camera and just start snapping for a bit to see if I could catch a smile while she was resting on me. The first picture I took was:

Is that great or what!?!

Later on I thought I'd try another experiment. My mother-in-law, being an amazing bargain shopper, bought Elizabeth several really nice Disney princess costumes for just over $4 each! Ellie has gotten so much use and fun from those, and she still fits into a couple of them - one of which is her TinkerBell costume complete with wings and wand. Elizabeth also happens to have a Build-A-Bear TinkerBell costume for her stuffed animal, Jo Jo, also complete with wings and wand. So...I thought I'd have a little fun, and this is what I got:

It was a fun day!!!


therooddog said...

That must have been big one. Did it smell?


Anonymous said...

They're so cute!!! I love that you put your baby in a Build-a-Bear outfit. LOL

I think your oldest three take after Stephen, but I really think Phoebe might take after you!!