Monday, March 16, 2009

The Question Song

Do you remember Thomas Wilson? I bet you do. He's the infamous character that you love to hate in "Back to the Future" - Biff. Well, now he does some stand up that is actually quite good. Stephen found one song he sings in particular that we really laugh out loud to, so we thought we'd share it with you...ENJOY!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bachelorette Party

My friend, Jessica Jenkins, is getting married next Saturday, March 21st! To celebrate the upcoming nuptials, she wanted to spend a night on the town with the girls in Nashville, TN - a very appropriate setting for Jess as she is a country girl to the core complete with an adorable down home accent and an innate LOVE of Elvis! We began the evening (our friend Christy, Jessica and myself) on a road trip to the Rainforest Cafe. If you've never eaten there and you have children, you really should make the trip to your nearest restaurant - it is a blast! The whole place is covered in jungle attire complete with noisy, moving monkeys and a restaurant wide thunderstorm every 30 minutes.

Then we proceeded to WannaB's Karaoke Bar. Not my comfort zone by a long shot, but worth the trip mostly because of an unexpected momentous occasion which took place during our brief visit there. After singing a soul searching rendition of "Come Sail Away", a guy who reminded us a bit of Napoleon Dynamite refused to leave the stage at the conclusion of his song. He called his girlfriend of 7 years to join him up front, gave a very composed and heartfelt declaration of his love for her, got down on his knee and proposed!!!

A short while later Jessica sang her heart out, and then we were on our way home singing oldies like "Chapel of Love" most of the way. It was a crazy night, but what fun!

Snow Day!

It doesn't usually snow in our particular corner of Alabama. So when we awoke a couple Sundays ago to a 2 inch thick white blanket covering our yard, I couldn't say no to the kids requesting to play in it before church.

Check out our photo album to see more cute pics! By the way, I'm glad I said yes, because by the time we arrived home from church it had all melted!!!