Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy "Bearthday", Elijah!

A couple months ago, Elijah's preschool had a "Teddy Bear Day" during which the kids could, just as it sounds, bring their own teddy bears to school for the day. It was at that point that we all realized that big brother Noah had his own teddy bear (Frankie), and little sister Elizabeth had her own teddy bear (Lovey B), but Elijah had no bear to call his own.

We thought that a fun way to remedy this possibly critical situation was to have Elijah's birthday party at Build-A-Bear Workshop in Huntsville. We invited a couple of other close friends and their children to make the one hour trek to the mall in Huntsville and experience this extravaganza with us. It was a whirlwind of a glorious time! It was very fun watching each of the kids pick out their own animal. Noah picked out a white and blue bear and named him Nosey (I have "nosey" idea where that came from!), Ellie picked an adorable puppy with pink and red hearts and named her Jo Jo. Elijah, after looking at all his options, decided he wanted, of all things, a puppy dog! So he picked out a cute brown puppy and named him Spiderdog. There were two other little boys there picking out their own stuffed animals. Then came the time to pick out the outfits. All four little boys stood, mouth agape with awe and wonder, when they spotted the Build A Bear Spiderman costume! And all four boys ended up leaving the store with their brand new animals donning said Spiderman costume.

We thought it humorous that Elijah came home with a dog, when the sole purpose of going to Build A Bear was just that: to build a bear! But the nice thing about having a party at the workshop is that the birthday boy gets a special gift from the store - a teddy bear of his very own with a special pen for all his birthday guests to sign their names on his new bear! Happy "Bearthday", Elijah!

1 comment:

Miss Christy said...

guess who has a blog now! =)